National Literacy Movement Strategy in the Current Era

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The spirit of development and unity initiated by the youth in 1928, produced a great momentum in the history of this country. His story was immortalized and remembered as Youth Pledge Day. One of the great agreements at that time was the declaration of an oath to always uphold the language of unity, namely Indonesian.

Indeed, we both understand that various Indonesian language problems will never be finished. Especially in the midst of today's technological developments, language is a benchmark for the quality of a nation's civilization. Considering the existence of foreign languages ​​which sometimes destroy the identity and love of Indonesian among young people. Indonesian is actually considered an old-fashioned language, which is unable to compete with the times. The various problems that are present today, for the author, are a new spirit. That it turns out that there are still many things that need to be addressed and we have to learn more and more.

The reflection of this country is getting blurry and blurry day by day. Important elite people cannot be completely a guide and a guarantee. We are the ones today who should be the initiators, drafters and master plans of all forms of problems related to language. Aren't we the chosen people who get the title as intellectuals, academics who of course people will think we are able to face all problems and are able to provide solutions.

In the midst of globalization which is increasingly choking the position of language and other aspects, in fact the discourse which is then voiced is not able to penetrate that space, it needs a breakthrough, real action from all forms of language problems. Of the various problems and various solutions offered, one of the offers that the author offers is the national literacy movement. Before going too far into discussing this movement, we need to understand together what is meant by literacy.

According to the dictionary literacy is the ability to read and write. And it means that everyone needs to develop their reading and writing skills. Through a good management system so that the impact of globalization is not so significant on changes in individual behaviour or personality. In addition, one of the other advantages or benefits of the existence of this national literacy movement is to minimize cases of hoax news, which recently often occur in our country. And with people who are active or actively reading, they understand and are able to choose and sort information carefully.

The impact of globalization which not only penetrates into character changes, in fact also has an impact on the practical and consumptive lifestyle of individuals. This means that if this is allowed to drag on, new problems will arise which will only make the existence of the nation more unstable. In addition, the most dangerous impact is on the Indonesian language. Where there will be food, beverage, cosmetic and other products originating from outside Indonesia, this will definitely reduce the love for Indonesian products and all things related to Indonesia, including the Indonesian language itself.

Today, slogans or rules will never be able to penetrate their comfort space against foreigners. So as people who care about their nation, let's take real action. The literacy movement accompanied by action will be more massive. For example, through reading communities, writing forums, and so on are our first pillars of activating the literacy movement. Not only on campus, community, rural villages but also includes various institutions in Indonesia. Through the movement I read 25 pages per day or the movement to read 1 book a day is a sweet offer that needs to be tried in the midst of this nation. Or another example is the development of school literacy initiated by teachers. Where every student is required to read a book 10-15 minutes before teaching and learning activities are carried out.

However, this strategy needs to be evaluated every time and opportunity, because it is not impossible at the beginning there will be many challenges, shortcomings and related to how the strategy of managing the national literacy movement works. Will this just be a year advice or just a ceremony. We will surely know the answer if we just wait for the opportunity today to come. The author arrives at the end, hopefully it doesn't add to the complexity of the reading space.

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