A. Background of the Research
Language is a vocal loop system used by social groups who work together and communicate. Language serves as a communication tool to convey ideas, concepts, and feelings. So the language is very important because with language human can work with others and live better. Language also functions as a tool of human communication, written or spoken, but this function is included into the five basic functions according to Cinerary called expression, information, investigation, persuasion and entertainment.[1]
As a tool of communication, language will be able to convey thoughts and feelings. Submission of thoughts and feelings can be expressed by the signs in the form of sound or writing. The sound we hear or utterances that we see, and the letters we are reading or writing has a clear and meaningful ness and perfect. Form of communication that uses speech communication is considered as capable of understanding and responding to what was said by others. Responses or responses that can be given the news, statements, orders, answers, approval, or rejection.[2] From the description above author can be conclude that language is means tool of communication. With language, human can understand and comprehend one another.
Among the many different languages of the world, one of them is English. English is the language used by many people in the world. English is also called the international language because it is very important in supporting education. The same manner Allah say in Al-Qur’an, surah Ar-Rum ayat 22.
ô`ÏBur ¾ÏmÏG»t#uä ß,ù=yz ÏNºuq»yJ¡¡9$# ÇÚöF{$#ur ß#»n=ÏG÷z$#ur öNà6ÏGoYÅ¡ø9r& ö/ä3ÏRºuqø9r&ur 4 ¨bÎ) Îû y7Ï9ºs ;M»tUy tûüÏJÎ=»yèù=Ïj9 ÇËËÈ
It’s mean:
And among his sign is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the varication in your languages and your colours: verily in that are signs for those who know.[3](Q.S. Ar-Rum: 22).
In Indonesia particular, occupies the status of English as a foreign language is learned as one of the compulsory subjects in different levels starting from primary school level, middle and faculty. Besides that we also meet the English language studied and taught at the institute a foreign language course that devotes are extraordinary. This phenomenon shows that although in Indonesia , its status as a foreign language but have received great attention both from government and from society. This statement is clear that why the government placed an English lesson as one of the main subject in junior high school (MTs). The government want to prepare the people who have ability to enter the compete in era globalization.
In MTs the subject of learning consist of Religion (Fiqh, Aqidah Ahlak, Qur’an Hadits, SKI) , PPKN, Mathematic, Biology, Science, Economy, Geography, Compiuter (TIK), language (Indonesia, English and Arabic) and other. As a compulsory subject in MTs, in learning English means learning its skill, there are fourth language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While the language components are grammar, vocabulary and pronounciation.
In learning, teachers are the main factors that influence and play an important role in influencing student learning. Without the teacher's role will not be successful learning activities and vice versa. In applying the English lessons, English teacher must have a lot of ways or methods to teaching one of them is the communicative approach. Communicative Approach as a means or method of presenting the teaching material.
Communicative approach is an approach in teaching a language which is characterized by communicative intent in everything that is done. The communicative approach has been actually known by the English teacher in Indonesia since the launching of the 1994 curriculum. It rose after the expert of language teaching suppose that the previous approaches were not able to create to English teaching atmosphere effectively and efficiently. Since the years, the communicated approach has been decided to be applying nationally in English teaching in Indonesia .
Curriculum 2004 that competency-based emphasizes the development of competencies and skills of students in using English as a means of communication. Of course, this goal can be achieved if students are trained intensively and continuously communicate in English. The exercises given course should reflect the authentic use of English as in everyday life. It is also intended to develop students' life skill as well as the implementation of learning strategies CTL (contextual teaching and learning). For the methodology of learning should be consistent and support the achievement of this goal. Furthermore, the communicative approach into a proper foundation for the implementation of the 2004 curriculum for English language subjects in junior high,MTs or senior high school
Communicative approach which formerly called the approach significance, stressing that learning English should be contextual, authentic, and meaningful. In the process of student learning should be involved in the exercises to communicate in the form of discussion and pair work or group work to work on problems or tasks given. In the process of communicating this way, the attention of the teacher should initially be directed more to the smooth running of the students in communicating in English speaking their accuracy. However, by no means close my eyes and let students make mistakes in using the vocabulary or specific language in English.
These errors can be corrected after the students carry out communication activities, without having to make students feel embarrassed for the mistakes he made. Indeed, language fluency does not have to ignore the perfection of language, but must be supported by a mastery of language components, namely grammar, vocabulary, speech, and spelling is good and right.
In addition, the Communicative approach can be applied not only through speaking and listening skills and but also can be applied in writing and reading skills. However Speaking is the most important skill of all skills-those skills (listening, reading and writing) in the Communicative approach, because one of the goals is to improve language learning students in the learning of oral communication. Communicative Approach focused on communicative competence adopted by English teachers to the students in the learning process.
The communicative approach also mean that how to teacher brings the students in communication, untill in learning English in class to be an interaction and communicate each other. Implementation of communicative approach is very important in English learning process because in learning, communication can make the situation of learning to be interest untill can increase student creativity in English communication and get the feed back between teacher and student.
Suitable with pre-observation that has be done by writer in MTsS Pulau Pandan, the researcher seem that the communicative approach has be done by English teacher in English learning process. So that in implementing the communicative approach by English in MTsS Pulau Pandan, the writer want to know how implement and what difficulties by English teacher found in implementing the communicative approach and also the result pre-interview with the English Taecher in MTsS Pulau Pandan, Zulfina Nurhamida, S.Pd She said that:
“Since these MTsS stand 3 years ago, especially in learning English is already using and applying the Communicative approach method, but in implementing it, I have many difficulties such as linguistic and non-linguistic problem, lack of student motivation to learn, students are less active in learning, and the low quality of students in language learning English and also they cannot communicate in English”.[4]
Based on the background of the problem above, the writer interested in researching Entitle “ The Implementation of Communicative Approach By English Teacher in MTsS Pulau Pandan ”. Why the Writer chose this title as research material because the writer wants to see and know how to process the application of Communicative method of approach and everything what constraints faced by teachers in Implementing the Communicative Approach in language teaching English in MTsS Pulau Pandan.
B. Identification of the Research
For a clear study of the reseach, the writer identifies the problem as follow:
1. The field study of the research is “The implementation of communicative approach by English teacher in MTsS Pulau Pandan”.
2. The approach method used in this research is a descriptive research.
3. The kind of problems in this research are “How does teacher implement the communicative approach and what are the difficulties found the English teacher in implementing the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan”.
C. Limitation of the Research
Communicative approach is so important to implement because it contains all what the students need. However, the research wiil be limited only on implementation of communicative approach on English subject.
This research focus on The Implementation of communicative approach by English teacher in MTsS Pulau Pandan.
D. Formulation of the research
This research aimed to describe the implementation of communicative approach by English teacher. So, it is to answer the question “ How does teacher implement the communicative approach and what are the difficulties found by English teacher in implementing the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan.
E. Reseach Questions
This study attempted to answer the questions formulated as follows:
1. How does teacher implement the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan?
2. What are difficulties found by English teacher in implementing the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan?
F. Purposes of the Research
The purposes of this research are:
1. To describes how does teacher implement the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan.
2. To describes the difficulties found by English teacher in implementing the communicative approach in MTsS Pulau Pandan.
G. Significances of the Research
1. For the Teacher
a) This research was expected to give the contribution to the study of Communicative Approach.
b) The teacher may want to inform their student about this Approach to the student in English Learning.
c) The teacher increase the student communicative competence in English learning process.
2. For the Student
a) In order to in studying English student can absorb the object who teach by teacher and understand.
b) In order to the student interest in studying English.
3. For the Writer
a) To Furnish One Term Use Getting a Bachelor Degree of Strata 1 (S1) in the Tarbiyah Faculty, English Department STAIN Kerinci.
b) As an addition to the insights in the case English Learning and applied to the future.
c) Giving the Information about how the Process of English Learning in Class III at MTsS Pulau Pandan.
H. Definition of Key Terms
Implementation Communicative Approach MTsS Pulau Pandan | : : : | is the realization of an application, or execution of a plan, idea, model, design, specification, standard, algorithm, or policy.[5] Carry out a plan, idea etc.[6] An Approach in teaching a language which is characterized by communicative intent in everything that is done. A Private institution of formal education under the auspices of Religious Ministries are located in the Pulau Pandan villages, Batang Merangin district . |
[1] Abdul Chaer, Sociolinguistic Perkenalan Awal, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), P. 19
[2] Ahmad Izzan, Metodologi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, (Bandung: Humaniora, 2004), P. 77
[3] ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘ali, The Holy Qur’an, (Malaysia: Saba Islamic Media, sdn. Bhd. 2004). P. 489.
[4] Interview with the English Teacher of MTsS Pulau Pandan, Miss. Zulfina Nurhamida, S.Pd, 25 September 2010.
[6] Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, P. 215